Data Model

The data model of MARO provides a declarative interface. We choose Python as the frontend language for saving development cost, and we take C as the backend language for improving the execution reference. What’s more, the backend store is a pluggable design, user can choose different backend implementation based on their real performance requirement and device limitation.

Key Concepts

Key Concepts

As shown in the figure above, there are some key concepts in the data model:

  • Node is the abstraction of the resource holder, which is usually the major business instance of the scenario (i.e. vessels and ports in CIM scenario). A node usually has various attributes to present the business nature.

  • (Slot) Attribute is the abstraction of business properties for the scenarios-specific resource holder (node). The attributes of a node could be declared as different data types based on the real requirements. Furthermore, for each attribute, a slot feature is provided to support the fixed-size array. The slot number can indicate the attribute values (e.g. the three different container types in CIM scenario) or the detailed categories (e.g. the ten specific products in the Use Case below). By default, the slot value is one.

  • Frame is the collection of all nodes in the environment. The historical frames present the aggregated state of the environment during a specific period, while the current frame hosts the latest state of the environment at the current time point.

  • Snapshot List is the dumped frames based on a pre-defined resolution. It captures the aggregated changes of the environment between the dump points.

Use Case

  • Below is the declaration of a retail frame, which includes warehouse and store nodes.

    from maro.backends.frame import node, NodeAttribute, NodeBase, FrameNode, FrameBase
    class Warehouse(NodeBase):
        inventories = NodeAttribute("i", TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)
        shortages = NodeAttribute("i", TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)
        def __init__(self):
            self._init_inventories = [100 * (i + 1) for i in range(TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)]
            self._init_shortages = [0] * TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES
        def reset(self):
            self.inventories[:] = self._init_inventories
            self.shortages[:] = self._init_shortages
    class Store(NodeBase):
        inventories = NodeAttribute("i", TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)
        shortages = NodeAttribute("i", TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)
        sales = NodeAttribute("i", TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)
        def __init__(self):
            self._init_inventories = [10 * (i + 1) for i in range(TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)]
            self._init_shortages = [0] * TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES
            self._init_sales = [0] * TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES
        def reset(self):
            self.inventories[:] = self._init_inventories
            self.shortages[:] = self._init_shortages
            self.sales[:] = self._init_sales
    class RetailFrame(FrameBase):
        warehouses = FrameNode(Warehouse, TOTAL_WAREHOUSES)
        stores = FrameNode(Store, TOTAL_STORES)
        def __init__(self):
            # If your actual frame number was more than the total snapshot number, the old snapshots would be rolling replaced.
            super().__init__(enable_snapshot=True, total_snapshot=TOTAL_SNAPSHOT)
  • The operations on the retail frame.

    retail_frame = RetailFrame()
    # Fulfill the initialization values to the backend memory.
    for store in retail_frame.stores:
    # Fulfill the initialization values to the backend memory.
    for warehouse in retail_frame.warehouses:
    # Take a snapshot of the first tick frame.
    snapshot_list = retail_frame.snapshots
    print(f"Max snapshot list capacity: {len(snapshot_list)}")
    # Query sales, inventory information of all stores at first tick, len(snapshot_list["store"]) equals to TOTAL_STORES.
    all_stores_info = snapshot_list["store"][0::["sales", "inventories"]].reshape(TOTAL_STORES, -1)
    print(f"All stores information at first tick (numpy array): {all_stores_info}")
    # Query shortage information of first store at first tick.
    first_store_shortage = snapshot_list["store"][0:0:"shortages"]
    print(f"First store shortages at first tick (numpy array): {first_store_shortage}")
    # Query inventory information of all warehouses at first tick, len(snapshot_list["warehouse"]) equals to TOTAL_WAREHOUSES.
    all_warehouses_info = snapshot_list["warehouse"][0::"inventories"].reshape(TOTAL_WAREHOUSES, -1)
    print(f"All warehouses information at first tick (numpy array): {all_warehouses_info}")
    # Add fake shortages to first store.
    retail_frame.stores[0].shortages[:] = [i + 1 for i in range(TOTAL_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES)]
    # Query shortage information of first and second store at first and second tick.
    store_shortage_history = snapshot_list["store"][[0, 1]: [0, 1]: "shortages"].reshape(2, -1)
    print(f"First and second store shortage history at the first and second tick (numpy array): {store_shortage_history}")

Supported Attribute Data Type

All supported data types for the attribute of the node:

Attribute Data Type

C Type




-32,768 .. 32,767

i, i4


-2,147,483,648 .. 2,147,483,647



-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 .. 9,223,372,036,854,775,807



-3.4E38 .. 3.4E38



-1.7E308 .. 1.7E308

Advanced Features

For better data access, we also provide some advanced features, including:

  • Attribute value change handler: It is a hook function for the value change event on a specific attribute. The member function with the _on_{attribute_name}_changed naming pattern will be automatically invoked when the related attribute value changed. Below is the example code:

    from maro.backends.frame import node, NodeBase, NodeAttribute
    class TestNode(NodeBase):
        test_attribute = NodeAttribute("i")
        def _on_test_attribute_changed(self, value: int):
  • Snapshot list slicing: It provides a slicing interface for querying temporal (frame), spatial (node), intra-node (attribute) information. Both a single index and an index list are supported for querying specific frame(s), node(s), and attribute(s), while the empty means querying all. The return value is a flattened 1-dimension NumPy array, which aligns with the slicing order as below:

    Snapshot List Slicing
    snapshot_list = env.snapshot_list
    # Get max size of snapshots (in memory).
    print(f"Max snapshot size: {len(snapshot_list)}")
    # Get snapshots of a specific node type.
    test_nodes_snapshots = snapshot_list["test_nodes"]
    # Get node instance amount.
    print(f"Number of test_nodes in the frame: {len(test_nodes_snapshots)}")
    # Query one attribute on all frames and nodes.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[::"int_attribute"]
    # Query two attributes on all frames and nodes.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[::["int_attribute", "float_attribute"]]
    # Query one attribute on all frame and the first node.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[:0:"int_attribute"]
    # Query attribute by node index list.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[:[0, 1, 2]:"int_attribute"]
    # Query one attribute on the first frame and the first node.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[0:0:"int_attribute"]
    # Query attribute by frame index list.
    states = test_nodes_snapshots[[0, 1, 2]: 0: "int_attribute"]