Distributed Communication

The distributed communication component provides a general message passing mechanism, which is used to build various communication topologies in the distributed environment. Besides the essential communication primitive supporting, it also provides the functions of peer discovering, fault recovering (partially), conditional event auto-dispatching, etc.


Providing an implementation of the communication primitives, proxy is the primary entity of the communication component. Proxy provides a uniformed communication interface, the underlying driver is pluggable based on the real requirements. Currently, we use ZeroMQ as the default choice. Proxy also provides support for peer discovering based on Redis.



Message is designed for general purpose, it is used to package the communication content between components. The main attributes of a message instance include:

  • tag: A customized attribute, it can be used to implement the auto-dispatching logic with a conditional event register table.

  • source: The alias of the message sender.

  • destination: The alias of the message receiver.

  • payload: A Python object for remote function call.

  • session_id (auto-generated): UUID of a specific session, one session may include multiple messages.

  • message_id (auto-generated): UUID of a specific message.

from maro.communication import Message

message = Message(tag="check_in",

Session Message

We provide two kinds of predefined session types for common distributed scenarios:

  • Task Session: It is used to describe a computing task sent from master to worker. Three stages are included:

    1. The master sends the task request(s) to the worker(s);

    2. Once the worker(s) receiving the task(s), the worker(s) start to finish the task(s);

    3. The worker(s) return the computing result(s) to the master.

  • Notification Session: It is used for information syncing and only includes two stages:

    1. The sender sends out the notification message;

    2. The receiver(s) receive the notification message.

The stages of each session are maintained internally by the proxy.

from maro.communication import SessionMessage, SessionType

task_message = SessionMessage(tag="sum",
                              payload=[0, 1, 2, ...],

notification_message = SessionMessage(tag="check_out",

Communication Primitives

Proxy provides a set of general-purpose communication primitives that support both blocking and non-blocking cases. These primitives are decoupled from the underlying implementation of the communication driver (protocol). The main primitives are listed below:

  • send: Unicast. It is a blocking, one-to-one sending mode. It will watch and collect the reply message from the remote peer.

  • isend: The non-blocking version of the send. A message session ID will be immediately returned, which can be used by receive_by_id.

  • scatter: An advanced version of send. Is is used to send message(s) to peer(s) and watch and collect reply message(s) from the peer(s). scatter is not a real multi-cast, each message will go through the full TCP/IP stack (ZeroMQ driver). If the message you want to send is completely same and you want better performance, use the broadcast interface instead.

  • iscatter: The non-blocking version of the scatter. The related messages session ID(s) will be returned immediately, which can be used by receive_by_id.

  • broadcast: A blocking function call which is used to broadcast the message to all subscribers, it will watch and collect all subscribers’ reply messages.

  • ibroadcast: The non-blocking version of the broadcast. The related messages session IDs will be returned immediately, which can be used by receive_by_id.

  • receive: It is used to continually receive the message.

  • receive_by_id: It only receives the message(s) with the given session ID(s).

Conditional Event Register Table

The conditional event register table provides a message auto-despatching mechanism. By registering the conditional event and related handler function to the register table, the handler function will be automatically executed with the received messages when the event conditions are met.

Register Table

Conditional event is used to declare the required message group for auto-triggering the related handler function. The unit event is the minimal component in the conditional event, it follows a three-stage format: source:tag:amount.

  • source: It is used to declare the required message source. The longest-prefix matching is supported.

    • * is used to present any sources.

  • tag: The tag attribute of the message instance.

    • * is used to present any tags.

  • amount: The required message instance amount. Both a absolute integer and a relative percentage are valid for this field.

    • % is used to represent the relative percentages, such as 60%, 10%, etc.

    unit_event_abs = "worker:update:10"
    unit_event_rel = "worker:update:60%"

To support more complex business logic, we provide two operations: AND and OR to combine unit events up:

  • AND: Valid for multiple unit events and combined unit events. The combined event condition is met if all the conditions of the sub-events are met.

  • OR: Valid for multiple unit events and combined unit events. The combined event condition is met if any sub-event meets the condition.

    combined_event_and = ("worker_01:update:2",
    combined_event_or = ("worker_03:update:1",
    combined_event_mix = (("worker_01:update:2", "worker_02:update:3", "AND"),

Handler function is a user-defined callback function that is bind to a specific conditional event. When the condition of the event is met, the related messages will be sent to the handler function for its execution.

Register Table
# A common handler function signature
def handler(that, proxy, messages):
        Conditional event handler function.

            that: local instance reference, which needs to be operated.
            proxy: the proxy reference for remote communication.
            messages: received messages.

Distributed Decorator

Distributed decorator is a helper for generating a distributed worker class from a local functional class.

from maro.communication import dist, Proxy

# Initialize proxy instance for remote communication.
proxy = Proxy(group_name="master-worker",
              expected_peers=[("master", 1)])

# Declare the trigger condition of rollout event.
rollout_event = "master:rollout:1"

# Implement rollout event handler logic.
def on_rollout(that, proxy, messages):

# Assemble event-handler directory.
handler_dict = {rollout_event: on_rollout}

# Convert a local functional class to a distributed one.
@dist(proxy, handler_dict)
class Worker:
    def __init__(self):